Adobe InDesign

Find a newspaper front page and clone it using Adobe InDesign. You will be graded on how well your version matches the original layout; the content (text, photos and graphics) can be anything of your choosing.

— Canvas, Project 3 InDesign Newspaper Clone

Ultimately, my main goal of this project was to create the same feel of the San Francisco Chronicle as I could with my new front page. For example, in the original paper, the smaller articles were headings generally related to politics and government. Since I vote at home in Oregon, I am aware that a lot is going on in that realm in Oregon so I used real headlines from articles I read this week for those in the column on the left. Secondly, the dominant article was featuring an image of a sports action and an off centered figure to the left. I replicated that feeling with the photo I chose from The University of Oregon football. Then, below that I used a zoomed in sports related photo as was in the San Francisco Chronicle.

Integrating everything you've learned about graphic design so far, create a multi-page feature spread that would appear inside a magazine. You must have between 1,000-1,200 words in the article and the entire feature must be at least five pages (more than that is fine).

— Canvas, Project 4 InDesign Magazine Article

I utilized a lot of the same tools as the newspaper clone: kerning, tracking, and leading. I made some of my text the same width on two lines, so I messed around with those tools a lot to perfect the look. I also used all my knowledge of Illustrator to transfer my visual infographic over. It was shocking also, how quickly I could go on Illustrator and create a nice looking graph after doing it before in our assignments. It was difficult and took so long, so that was another active moment of me reflecting on how much I’ve learned in this course.